
Sunday, March 29

The CTA Gold Line?

Yours truly has been working with a Chicago social justice group called SOUL (Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation) on various things pertaining to a "more equitable" olympics, should Chicago win the bid. Many are outright opposed to it, but there's an effort to at least make sure that there are protections for the poor/homeless and long-term advantages for the south side if it DOES have to happen. One of things they're fighting for is the so-called Gold Line (see for example, basically converting one of the southeast Metra Electric tracks to a regular rapid transit service (run by CTA or Metra, we don't care) with frequent trains, CTA fares and easy transfers, etc. Anyway, I am proud to be responsible for this nifty map at right (click here for larger image:

Thursday, March 26

Best. Chips. Ever?

Sorry, but seriously:

"Asian Sweet & Spicy" potato chips by Deep River Snacks.


The other flavors are badass too.

On the South Side of the Chi, available at Z&H Cafe in Kenwood.

Saturday, March 21

House of Buffet?

In Rockford, IL, a curious sight:
Sign reads "House of Buffet: Sushi Grill, American, and Oriental".
